Saturday, July 03, 2010

Book binding workshop preparation

I am sooooo excited with my first workshop at Taman Botani 31 July & 1 August, Eventhough the workshop is quite small compare than teaching 76 students at one go, I personally feel this is really a special workshop. Each student got charge RM180 per person, but it is so worthwhile, where the food is provided which include -lunch and afternoon tea break. Materials all provided worth around RM37, the venue is sooooo nice, surrounded by nature...And I will teach 3 methods of binding - Japanese Stab Binding, Coptic Binding and Kettle Stitch. At the end of the day certificate will be given to all of them.

In the midst of preparing the book binding material, all will be package in my tote bag, where I personally sewn and silkscreen.

this is how the tote bag looks like

I am sooooo looking forwards...

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